Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Not tired

Cant sleep.

I will admit I didnt try very hard. My head hit the pillow and I was back up 10 minutes later. Its because Im trying to make myself go to sleep early. There is a big wig visiting our office who has WAY too much energy and looks down on you if you arent as happy and hyper as him. I dont mean he will just think less of you, I mean he will think less of you AND pick on you for the whole damn day. The only way to match his manic office interactions is to get a good night sleep and start pounding the red bull as soon as your alarm goes off.

It is going to be hard to sleep though. Its always hard for me to sleep after a really good day. I dont want them to end. I got a raise, Carters was having a 50% off sale so I went on a shopping spree for Lea to make sure she wont need cloths for the next six months (its not in our budget now but 50% off is way too good to pass up on kids cloths so I went a little over board),  I had a Red Riding Hood outfit waiting for me when I got home, and Lea and I were having so much fun playing after work that I let her stay up a half hour past her bed time (slight mistake, she had a bit of a tired melt down...).

I have plans of the Red Riding Hood outfit.... if it wasnt a whopping 14F outside I would have grand plans... but being confined to inside for now I just have plans.

Its hard to calm down.

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