Monday, August 27, 2018

For pirates and death

Last weekend we took a family trip to the Renaissance Faire.
Lea dressed up as a pirate. We changed her earrings for the first time to little skulls and crossbones. Of course, shes my child, that would be her first change.
After watching Barely Balanced my daughter decided she wanted to learn to juggle and become an acrobat. Considering she was dressed like a pirate I just shrugged and thought, "Well, at least you want to make a more honest living now."

After a fun weekend it was hard to drag my butt to work this morning. As soon as the hot and muggy as hell production floor air hit me it went down fucking hill fast.
One manager has left and his replacement doesnt seem ready to be out of training. He looked like a deer in the headlights all day.
A manager from another branch is switching places with our top manager so hes started doing half days. I met him for 2 seconds because my Mondays are busy as hell so I have no opinion about him.
A new warehouse manager came in today. Hes still in training...and the person who is getting a demotion has to show him around. Awkward.
I do have an opinion of the new warehouse manager and you can guess what it is based off this:
I was walking back to my desk when I saw him walk to the floor with water pallets on a hand jack. I went "PPSSST!! *warehouse guy*!"
Warehouse guy: "Yeah?"
Me: "Do you suppose its safe to pull around 2 water pallets?"
Warehouse guy: "You cant...wait, like one on top of the other?"
Me: "Yeah."
Warehouse guy: "That would be dangerous because if you stop too fast, depending on if you are pulling or pushing, you could very easily have the top on fall on your or anyone in front of you."
I pointed. He looked and his face just went "Oh balls."
Me smiling and giggling like a maniac: "I see many accidents in your future. Many, many accidents."
This new warehouse guy was supposedly hired for his extensive warehouse background.

This was mixed in with very bad news. A participant died. I dont know how.
He was in a motorcycle accident years ago and from then on could only use half his body and could only communicate by spelling out words on a sheet of paper taped to the front of his wheelchair. I obviously didnt talk to him a lot but he seemed like a good guy. I tried to help him as much as I could when I was around without babying him which he liked (I think.). He always gave a thumbs up or a fist bump.
He had been around for a while. Participants and higher up people who know all the participants really well took it really hard.
I actually didnt know WHO it was for a bit.
I knew someone had died though long before it got around because the person who watches over the participants came up to another woman who has been around for a while upset. After they talked the air changed. (Seriously, when this womans mood changes its like "There is a disturbance in the force.") I knew someone was dead. It was sold in my head when a manager who works with a lot of the participants came up to me to ask something and his eyes just screamed "Im holding it in." I would have just gotten it out of him but he had one of the new managers behind him so I let it go until he walked away. When he was out of earshot I looked at a woman who has also been around for a while and said, "Something has happened."
Her: "What?"
Me: "I think someone died."
Later at lunch she sat down next to me outside and said who it was. They told all the participants in the break room over lunch.
Im not very good with dealing with deaths. I dont know what to say so I generally try to say as little as possible. A few weeks ago a participant died of phenomena and Ron (a participant) sat down next to me and asked me about heaven and god. I dont believe in either and my go to thing with most participants is to treat them like I would my daughter but I would never tell my daughter there is a heaven or a god. I literally flubbed my way through a barrage of  questions like "How do you get to heaven if you die in your sleep?" My mental answer, "You dont!" My actual answer, "Its easier that way because angels can find you in your dreams faster."
Ron came up to me again and told me about the death.
Me: "Yeah, I heard. Its very sad."
Ron: "Can I have a hug?"
Me: "Of course Ron."
Ron: "I love you Immora."
Me..... oh crap, say nothing. Hes just sad. He always just says to people what he wants to hear.
Ron: "You love me too, Immora?"
Me: "Yeah Ron, I love you."
Ron walked away satisfied. Then Timothy, who was sitting 10 feet away from all this pipes in...
Timothy: "He passed away."
Me: "Yes, he did."
Timothy: "Im not going to do that!"
Me: "I know you wont. You dont even have to worry about that."
Timothy: "Im not going to pass away. I dont want to do it. Nuh uh. Dont worry."
Me: "Im not going to worry about you Timothy."

Its going to be a great week.

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