Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Dear diary, I would like a pony, and a new bike, and a MILLION DOLLARS

I had a horrible night of sleep. I had night terrors all night which alone Im totally ok with because then I just go "Ok...round 2." and go back to sleep. When you live with someone....who has PTSD from being in the military you wake up and go "Holy crap I hope I didnt scream myself awake....please dont bust in, please dont bust in.... it was hot in here and Im not wearing a top and we just dont need that kind of awkward *cringe*..........................*sigh* ok cool. Now to try and go back to sleep."
When my alarm went off I rolled over and went to pull up my normal sites that I read to keep my ass awake. I didnt minimize a dating site.
I got a message from my work crush in response to a smart ass comment I made a little over a week ago to get him to stop popping up as a top match on the damn thing.
Over a week ago! And yep, after some back and forth, I deduced that hes down for sex.
Why is there suddenly a response?
Does my blog grant wishes?

Lets test this:
Dear Blog,
I would like to have more time to spend with Lea, my own apartment ASAP, peanut M&Ms on my desk tomorrow morning, flowers for no god damn reason (because who doesnt want flowers for no god damn reason) and more money. Also a car but I guess I can just get that if you grant the money wish.

*squinting/crossing fingers/looking around*

Its probably an overnight thing.

Enter the next level of "Well, now what?"
Ok we have established there is a physical attraction. Great. We have established that we both have poker faces about it.... but lets face it, I think I won the game today I pulled off "Well, fuck me." while looking him dead in the eyes in front of everyone and got away with it because everyone knows I swear like a sailor.
Im actually not sure if I even want to have the sex. What if its not as good as flirting?

1 comment:

  1. We all know this all too well, but I suppose it bears repeating. Sex is never, but never EVER, better than flirting. Even the best sex will get your rocks off, but it doesn't give you the butterflies the way a good ongoing flirt can. The kind of butterflies that makes you forget, for a moment, that you can still feel like a silly teenager. Call me a sap but I'm all in for that.
