Thursday, September 27, 2018

Well, that just happened.

I am currently sitting in my new studio apartment in nurses scrubs on my new bed I got off amazon enjoying absolute quiet.

Its almost been a month. What happened you say?
Ridiculousness! Mother fucking ridiculousness.

Shortly after I made my last post I got together with my crush at his place and warned him that my room mate was probably going to flip out when he came home from work and I wasnt there and I dont have a clue why.

I was right. So very very right. I got a text from my room mate a day later saying, "I think you should be out by the end of this weekend."
Cool. We are agreed. He was freaking me out with the constant stalking and I did...whatever I did. I may never figure that out. The closest I have to an answer is he was obviously controlling and my answer to that is always to say "Fuck you. I do what I want when I want." (See Haifa incident 2 years ago where Maor was embarrassed that I was more than happy to walk fully clothed straight into the Mediterranean just to get away from him while he was trying to fight with me for no reason and then I became even happier when he started loosing his shit.)

My room mate freaking out wouldnt have been a problem. Slight stress trying to expedite getting the fuck out. The thing that made me loose my god damn mind was when a participant actually rubbed a god damn sandwich on my neck while lots of mentally there people laughed and then he smacked me on the ass in plain sight of everyone. 
I wanted to punch a mentally challenged person in the face for the first time ever and everyone thought it was fucking hilarious. 
I tried to blow it off all day. I drank too much that night. I just didnt show up the next day and put in my application for a new lease....
Then I biffed it HARD on my bike on a bike trail. 
Annndddd my mother, with my daughter, were waiting for me right around the corner for me to spend the weekend with them.
My daughter saw me bloody as hell as an emotional wreck.
I gave my mom the gist of why I was bloody and an slightly out of my mind. Got them to move on and called my crush...why? I dont even fucking know. First name that popped into my head maybe.

So my crush took in my very bloody and bruised butt in for 2 weeks. It really should have been only a week but then the now ex room mate started saying things like "Nope, cant grab your stuff now, Im working over time." I was fully expecting to just sleep on my floor but he kept saying "I dont care if you stay here."
Sex is great.....seriously, that man is in my head when we have sex. Im wet all the time, I regret nothing.... and its just the best. 

I also had a threesome with him and one of his friends where I fingered his friend in the ass. Thats new. I dont think I was horrible at it. I was a little worried that I would hurt him He seemed really into it....and keeps texting me asking if we can get together again.

Ughhhh.... here is the thing friend of a friend.... buckle the fuck up with me.
Im actually really into my crush. When I say really into I mean I enjoy his company, hes hot, and he is the ONLY person on the face of the planet where when another hot guy said. "Can I fuck you?" I said, "I like that guy over there. Ask him if its ok."
I also dont care if he fucks someone else. I think there might be a twinge of jealousy if it were to happen but honestly, we are both grown adults. He takes care of me and I take care of him (Or it could just be took...still not sure where we stand there.)  I dont know where this is going. It could fizzle out in a matter of days.... but thats life isnt it.

So that just happened.

Speaking of just happened. My crush is VERY VERY interested in making videos with me. If you would like a boy/girl video made let me know. Also, he also really wants us to be Slave Leia and Han Solo for Halloween and would also like to make a video of that. (Hes very dominant.) 
Anyone that buys me the Slave Leia costume gets the video.....which aint going to be short....he goes forever. Forever but holy crap he throws me around like a rag doll and if I think about it anymore Im going to have to masturbate. Its hot sex. 

For the love of god even if you dont want a video please buy me that costume so I can have another reason to choke on his dick.

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