Saturday, July 20, 2013

I need friends...

We have been living in MN for close to 3 years now and I hate it.

Mostly I hate it because I dont have any friends. I have 3 friends that I get together with once every six months because they live 45 mins away and also have busy lives. I love when we get together but finding a time to hang out is a pain in the butt.

I stopped complaining about not having friends but Maor knows Im still kinda lonely sometimes. So today out of the blue while we were taking Lea for a walk he suggested I try finding a group or something online.

So I did... kind of. I joined Meetup. I picked a book club that looked interesting. Im going to see if I can find a mom group. I dont really like how most groups make you make a donation to them. I dont know what the donation is for. Do they hand out tshirts? Do you get a special mug?

Its a step in a direction.


  1. Do you know of any other bloggers in the area? I built a blogging networking organization from the ground up, first by starting with a few excellent local bloggers, and then relying on them to bring in other local bloggers. NEPA Blogs ( for short) is still active after over seven years, and now has a weekly TV spot on a midafternoon lifestyles show. I've gotten to know dozens of people through doing it, and have easy access to hundreds of people locally who now know me by name or reputation.

  2. Local synagogue? Churches are great resources for meeting other families. Municipal pool, playground, etc. When Lea gets into the school system you will meet other parents and families. If she gets into sports (i.e., tumbling, gymsatics, softball, soccer, etc.) you will meet other families. The good thing about these encounters is that you will have kids and/or the children's interests in common. D.B. has some good ideas also - you'd have something in common with the local bloggers too.

  3. There is a geek and nerd Meetup group that I am a part of that is kind of fun. Talking nerdy, sushi nights in Uptown, geek movie showings in a VIP box at the Southdale AMC, etc. Good to just get out and hang with new people.
