Saturday, August 11, 2012

Treating myself

I do work full time but my paycheck goes exclusively towards bills. Because every week my paycheck goes towards daycare (which is about 80% of my paycheck), household bills, and groceries I dont have anything left over to spend on myself. I could ask Mo for money to go get a latte or get myself a massage but that just feels weird. I dont even like asking him for money to go pick up formula. I have no idea why.

So to generate some fun money for myself so I can grab a fancy coffee or maybe splurge and get a massage I'll be doing pictures for fun money. For a $5 donation I'll send you 1 picture of your name (written on a post it note) on my arm, leg, face, ect... you get to choose but no nudity. For a $20 or more I'll do the same thing except you can have nudity.


Thats a cropped example...

If you want to take advantage of this please donate to my chipin then email me at with your request. Please give me at least 24 hours to fulfill your request...seeing as I work full time and have a 4 month old.


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